
Quality Positioning System (QPS)

Measure Description Display Information

2514: Risk-Adjusted Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Readmission Rate
Risk-Adjusted Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Readmission Rate
STEWARD: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Below is the most recently endorsed version of the measure specifications:
Measure Description:
Risk-adjusted percentage of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65 and older who undergo isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and are discharged alive but have a subsequent acute care hospital inpatient admission within 30 days of the date of discharge from the CABG hospitalization.
Numerator Statement:
Number of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65 and older who undergo isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and are discharged alive but have a subsequent acute care hospital inpatient admission within 30 days of the date of discharge from the CABG hospitalization.
Denominator Statement:
Number of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65 and older who undergo isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) during the designated 3-year measurement period and are discharged alive.
Exclusion – Rationale

• The patient is age <65 years on date of discharge according to CMS or STS data – Patients younger than 65 in the Medicare dataset represent a distinct population that qualifies for Medicare due to disability. The characteristics and outcomes of these patients may be less representative of the larger population of CABG patients.
• There is a CMS record but no matching STS record – STS data elements are required for identifying the cohort and for risk adjustment.
• There is an STS record but not matching CMS record – Medicare data are required for ascertaining 30-day readmission status, especially readmissions to a hospital other than the CABG hospital
• CABG is not a stand-alone procedure – Inclusion of combination procedures complicates risk adjustment by adding multiple relatively rare cohorts with potentially distinct characteristics and outcomes.
• The patient died prior to discharge from acute care setting – Patient is not at risk of subsequent readmission.
• The patient leaves against medical advice (AMA). – Physicians and hospitals do not have the opportunity to deliver the highest quality care.
• The patient does not retain Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) A and B for at least two months after discharge – Beneficiaries who switch to a Medicare advantage plan are unlikely to file inpatient claims which are required for ascertaining 30-day readmission status.
• The index CABG episode is >365 days. – These patients were excluded for consistency with previous CMS readmission measures. These records may inaccurate admission and discharge dates. If not, including them would complicate risk adjustment by adding a relatively rare cohort with potentially distinct characteristics and outcomes.
• Not the first eligible CABG admission per patient per measurement period. – Simplifies statistical analysis. Also, repeat CABG procedures are very rare and so loss of information is minimal.
Risk Adjustment:
Statistical risk model
Measure Type:
Measure Format:
Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular, Coronary Artery Disease, Surgery
Non-Condition Specific:
Care Coordination, Safety: Complications, Safety: Healthcare Associated Infections, Person-and Family-Centered Care, Care Coordination: Readmissions, Safety, Care Coordination: Transitions of Care
Care Setting:
National Quality Strategy Priorities:
Readmissions, Patient Safety
Current Use:
Planned Use:
Payment Program, Public reporting, Quality Improvement (internal to the specific organization)
Data Source:
Claims, Registry Data
Level of Analysis:
Target Population:
Measure Selection Attributes (Learn more):
Outcome-Focused, Highly Prevalent Conditions, Lowest Data Collection Burden, Patient-and Caregiver-Focused, Coordinated and Integrated Care
Measure Steward Contact Information:
For additional measure specification information, please contact the Measure Steward.
Measure Steward Organization:
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Primary Measure Steward Contact:

Measure Disclaimer:
Most Recent Activity:
Endorsed All-Cause Admissions and Readmissions Project 2015-2017
Initial Endorsement:
Dec 23, 2014
Last Endorsement Date:
Dec 08, 2016
Next Planned Maintenance Review:

All-Cause Admissions and Readmissions Fall 2023

Corresponding Measures:
Not Available
View Specifications:
Measure History:
Measure(s) Considered in Harmonization Request
NQF Disclaimer: Measures may be used for non-commercial implementation and/or reporting of performance data. Contact the Measure Steward if you wish to use the measure for another purpose. NQF is not responsible for the application or outcomes of measures.