
Quality Positioning System (QPS)

Measure Description Display Information

0215: Proportion of patients who died from cancer not admitted to hospice
Proportion of patients who died from cancer not admitted to hospice
STEWARD: American Society of Clinical Oncology
Measure Description:
Proportion of patients who died from cancer not admitted to hospice
Numerator Statement:
Proportion of patients not enrolled in hospice
Denominator Statement:
Patients who died from cancer.
Risk Adjustment:
No risk adjustment or risk stratification
Measure Type:
Measure Format:
Cancer, Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care
Non-Condition Specific:
Care Setting:
Inpatient/Hospital, Outpatient Services, Home Care
National Quality Strategy Priorities:
Affordable Care
Current Use:
Payment Program, Public Reporting, Quality Improvement with Benchmarking (external benchmarking to multiple organizations)
Planned Use:
Payment Program
Data Source:
Claims, Registry Data
Level of Analysis:
Clinician: Group/Practice
Target Population:
Elderly (Age >= 65)
Measure Selection Attributes (Learn more):
Highest Opportunity for Improvement, Coordinated and Integrated Care, Lowest Data Collection Burden, Highly Prevalent Conditions
Measure Steward Contact Information:
For additional measure specification information, please contact the Measure Steward.
Measure Steward Organization:
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Primary Measure Steward Contact:

Measure Disclaimer:
These clinical indicators and quality measures are not intended to and should never supplant independent physician judgment with respect to particular patients or clinical situations. Patient care is always subject to the independent physician judgment with respect to particular patients or clinical situations. Patient care is always subject to the independent professional judgment of the treating physician.

Accordingly, QOPI participants’ adherence to quality measures contained in this research report is strictly voluntary and discretionary, with the ultimate determination regarding their application to be made by the treating physician in his or her professional judgment and in light of each patient’s individual circumstances. ASCO does not endorse the QOPI® measures as guidelines for standards of practice or ‘best practices.’
Most Recent Activity:
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Geriatric and Palliative Care Spring 2022
Initial Endorsement:
Aug 10, 2009
Last Endorsement Date:
Oct 26, 2016
Next Planned Maintenance Review:
Corresponding Measures:
Not Available
View Specifications:
Measure History:
Measure(s) Considered in Harmonization Request
NQF Disclaimer: Measures may be used for non-commercial implementation and/or reporting of performance data. Contact the Measure Steward if you wish to use the measure for another purpose. NQF is not responsible for the application or outcomes of measures.