At its May 2009 meeting, the NQF Board of Directors appointed a Nominating Committee to consider candidates for appointment to the Board. The Nominating Committee was chaired by John Rother and included Helen Darling, Chris Izui, Brian Lindberg, and John Tooker. The Nominating Committee reviewed over 50 nominations.
Of the current 27 Board members, 7 are serving terms that will soon expire. At the October 16, 2009, meeting, the Board approved a modest expansion in the size of the Board from 27 to 33 members. To fill the open seats, the Board approved a slate of 13 candidates. Four of these candidates are current NQF Board members recommended to serve a second 3-year term. Nine candidates are new individuals who would bring expertise in key areas including healthcare disparities, health information technology, payment-for-performance programs, community-level initiatives, and healthcare delivery. The proposed slate maintains the consumer/purchaser majority of at-large seats. If approved by a two-thirds majority of votes, the new Board members will begin their terms on December 1, 2009.
Proposed Slate and Biographical Sketches (PDF)
This slate has been sent to the NQF membership for consideration and is now open for Member voting. Only the primary NQF contact from each Member organization in good standing is eligible to vote. The ballot is open through Monday, November 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm ET.
Vote Now (requires website username and password)
Questions about this election should be addressed to Larry Gorban,