NQF Statement on the Core Quality Measures Collaborative 

FEB 16, 2016

CONTACT: Sofia Kosmetatos

NQF Statement on the Core Quality Measures Collaborative

“The Core Quality Measures Collaborative’s agreement on core measure sets for select areas of healthcare practice is an important step towards accelerating quality improvement and making healthcare more effective and efficient. Clinicians need fewer and more meaningful measures to reduce the burden of reporting similar or “look alike” quality measures to different entities in order to free up more time for direct patient care. Equally important, this effort helps provide consumers with comparable information to better inform healthcare decisions.

The Collaborative’s efforts build upon important work to align measures across public programs, including through annual recommendations that the National Quality Forum’s Measure Applications Partnership makes to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on measures for use in public programs. NQF provided technical assistance as part of the Collaborative, and most of the core measures are NQF-endorsed.”

Helen Burstin, MD, MPH
Chief Scientific Officer
National Quality Forum