Measuring Performance

Ad Hoc Review: Safe Practice 22 Surgical-site Infection Prevention 

Project Status: Completed

Ad Hoc Review: NQF-endorsed® Safe Practice 22 Surgical-site Infection Prevention

Final Activity: The measure was updated in March 2011. You may find the measures within the Safe Practices for Better Healthcare – 2010 Update.

An ad hoc review may be conducted on an endorsed standard at any time with adequate justification. The justification must satisfy at least one of the following three criteria: the evidence supporting the measure focus has changed and no longer reflects updated evidence; implementation of the measure may result in unintended consequences; or there has been a material change to the measure.

NQF conducted an ad hoc review for the endorsed Safe Practice 22 Surgical-site Infection Prevention. 

About this Review

Reason for Review 

Within a letter submitted to NQF, concerns were expressed about the new specification referencing the use of a specific surgical skin preparation in NQF Safe Practice 22. The letter cites that studies “suggest the need for additional clinical study before the NQF Safe Practices can recommend one prep over another.”

NQF has been requested to review the specifications of Safe Practice 22.

Requestor Letter: Details provided by requestor of the ad hoc review (PDF)

Justification for Ad Hoc Review 

Criterion 1: The evidence supporting the measure focus has changed and the measure does not reflect updated evidence.

Criterion 2: There is evidence that implementation of the measure or practice may result in unintended consequences:

a. Use of the measure or practice may result in inappropriate or harmful care.

Requestor of Ad Hoc Review 

3M Health Care Business

Associated NQF Projects 

Safe Practices for Better Healthcare 2009 Update
Project Overview | View Report 


Requests for ad hoc reviews will be considered by NQF on a case-by-case basis and must be justified by specific criteria.

Learn more about the NQF ad hoc review process.

Contact Information 

For more information, please contact NQF at 202-783-1300 or via e-mail at

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