Measuring Performance


Project Status: Current

Measure Applications Partnership

The Measure Applications Partnership (MAP) is a public-private partnership convened by the National Quality Forum (NQF). MAP was created to provide input to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the selection of performance measures for public reporting and performance-based payment programs. NQF was selected by HHS to fulfill a provision in the Affordable Care Act to convene multi-stakeholder groups to:

  • Identify the best available performance measures for use in specific applications.
  • Provide input to HHS on measures for use in public reporting, performance-based payment, and other programs.
  • Encourage alignment of public and private sector efforts.

In convening MAP, NQF brings together stakeholder groups in a unique collaboration that balances the interests of consumers, businesses and purchasers, labor, health plans, clinicians and providers, communities and states, and suppliers.

MAP operates in a thoroughly transparent manner, broadcasting meetings, posting content on the Web, and soliciting and responding to public comments.

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