Measuring Performance

Measure Maintenance Commenting Overview 

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NQF-Endorsed® Measure Maintenance Review - October 2009

Member comments closed on Monday, November 16, 2009.
Public comments closed on Monday, November 9, 2009.

The NQF measure maintenance policy requires that all NQF-endorsed performance measures be re-evaluated every three years to confirm they continue to meet the NQF measure evaluation criteria.

There are 41 NQF-endorsed performance measures undergoing a 3-year maintenance review. NQF was seeking comments from the public and NQF members on these measures.

The measure stewards were asked to submit any modifications in the specifications along with information to demonstrate that the measure still meets NQF’s endorsement criteria. Emphasis was placed on evidence supporting the measure focus, use of the measure since the last endorsement, performance scores on the measure demonstrating performance gaps or improvement, updated testing, and feasibility issues.

NQF was particularly interested in all stakeholders’ experiences with the measures including:

  • How is the measure being used for public reporting and quality improvement?
  • If the measure is not being used, why not?
  • Has the evidence supporting the focus of the measure changed, requiring changes to the measure?
  • Have any problems been identified? (e.g., related to data collection, unintended consequences, or achieving reliable and valid comparisons or performance)
  • Is the measure still considered “best in class” or are there better measures with the same focus?
  • For measures on the list that are being retired by the steward, stakeholders were asked to describe how they would be adversely affected by the retirement of the measure.

Supporting Information

List of measures
NQF measure evaluation criteria

Commenting Guidelines

NQF uses electronic submission of comments. Please note the following about commenting:

  • You may view the comments of others. (Commenting period is closed)
  • All comments should have been submitted using the online submission process.
  • NQF will post and take into consideration only those comments received by the above deadline(s).
  • NQF reserves the right to identify and remove any objectionable content.
  • NQF is not responsible for the views and opinions expressed in posted comments.

Any supporting documents must have been received by the close of the comment period.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Lindsay Lang, MHSA, RN, at 202-783-1300 or via e-mail at