Measuring Performance

Population Health: Prevention Endorsement Maintenance - Phase 1 

Project Status: Completed

Population Health: Prevention Endorsement Maintenance - Phase 1

Access the Endorsement Summary (PDF) | Access the Full Report  

The Opportunity

Health determinants, including social and environmental factors and individual behaviors, are varied and each can potentially influence overall health and well being. Inadequate preventive and behavioral choices can have significant negative impact on health outcomes and economic stability1, and these along with other determinants contribute to sixty percent of American deaths. The healthcare delivery system, public health and key community stakeholders can play an important role in redressing poor health outcomes through appropriate and targeted interventions.

Given the multi-dimensional systems focus of population health, developing activities to strengthen the measurement and analysis of population health trends can be best accomplished using a collaborative approach that includes public health, healthcare and other key sectors whose policies influence health. The NQF-convened National Priorities Partnership (NPP) selected Population Health as one of six national priorities, with a particular focus on ensuring receipt of preventive services, healthy behaviors, and community-based assessments of health.  In 2010 the NPP, through the Population Health Workgroup, developed several recommendations for Partners and other stakeholders including a recommendation to inform measure development, with consideration to performance measurement gaps and issues related to complex measures2.

About the Project

NQF Process

The Population Health: Prevention Endorsement project seeks to expand NQF’s previous efforts in prevention and healthy behaviors through a multi-stakeholder, consensus development process. Given the need for harmonized and more global prevention measures, this first stage of work will include review of both the existing 33 measures of preventive services as well as newly submitted individual and composite measures related to key preventive services and health behaviors.


This project is supported under a contract provided by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Related NQF Work

Contact Information

For further information, contact Nicole McElveen, MPH, or Elisa Munthali, MPH, at 202-783-1300 or via email


  1. Nash DB, Reifsnyder J, Fabius R, Pracilio VP. Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness, Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2011.
  2. National Priorities Partnership (NPP), Why Population Health? Washington, DC. Available at Last accessed May 2011.

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