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Quality in Home and Community-Based Services to Support Community Living: Addressing Gaps in Performance Measurement 

Date of Publication:
SEP 2016
Associated Project:
Measuring HCBS Quality
The Quality in Home and Community-Based Services to Support Community Living: Addressing Gaps in Performance Measurement report describes key components of a conceptual foundation for home and community based services (HCBS) quality measurement, specifically an operational definition of HCBS, a list of characteristics describing high-quality HCBS, and a measurement framework of 11 domains and 40 subdomains. The goals of the domains and subdomains are to stimulate evidence-based research in support of quality measure development, guide quality improvement efforts, and highlight the important areas for measure development. The report also contains multistakeholder recommendations on how to advance HCBS quality measurement so individuals who use HCBS can be assured they are receiving high-quality, effective services.