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Patient-Reported Outcomes Environmental Scan 

Date of Publication:
DEC 2019
Associated Project:
Patient-Reported Outcomes: Best Practices on Selection and Data Collection
Although patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are increasingly used for various healthcare-related activities, their use has many inherent challenges. To address these challenges, NQF convened multistakeholder Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to identify best practices to address challenges in selecting and collecting patient-reported outcome (PRO) data. This report describes the methodology and findings from an environmental scan NQF conducted to identify the approaches and challenges in selecting both PROs and PROMs, as well as the challenges in collecting PRO data. The report also describes PROMs that NQF has identified as relevant for the use cases of burns/trauma, heart failure, and joint replacement. These PROMs will be considered as the TEP applies its best practice recommendations to the above use cases.