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Person Centered Planning and Practice Final Report 

Date of Publication:
JUL 2020
Associated Project:
Person Centered Planning and Practice
This report documents the effort to address long-term services and supports (LTSS) that are predicated on a person’s needs, preferences, goals, and desires. Health and Human Services (HHS) in collaboration with its partners and other federal agencies, states, consumers and advocates, providers, and other stakeholders, convened to generate recommendations to, refine the current definition(s) for Person-Centered Planning, develop a set of core competencies for performing Person-Centered Planning facilitation, make recommendations to HHS on systems characteristics that support person-centered thinking, planning, and practice, develop a conceptual framework for Person-Centered Planning measurement; and conduct an environmental scan including the historical development of person-centered planning in LTSS systems to include a research agenda for future Person-Centered Planning research.These recommendations will support the continued creation of a sustainable system where older adults and people with disabilities have choice, control, and access to a full array of quality services that assure optimal outcomes including independence, good health, and quality of life. The multistakeholder committee’s goal is to give government agencies and the public a view that finds agreement across different partners and perspectives. This project builds upon previous NQF work with the goal of providing states and other individuals and entities with the guidance they need to develop meaningful systems to support person-centered thinking, planning, and practices.