Setting Priorities

Convocation of the National Priorities Partnership 

The National Priorities Partnership was convened in response to the recognition by the National Quality Forum’s Board of Directors that the nation had not yet identified a set of priorities and goals for performance improvement. Without an agreed-upon set of national priorities, the efforts of the performance measurement, improvement, and reporting community were diffused, making the potential reform of the healthcare system even more difficult.  To encourage a coordination of efforts, NQF’s Board of Directors expanded NQF’s mission in 2007 to include a systematic collaboration with other healthcare stakeholders to identify and establish a set of national priorities and goals to guide future healthcare reform efforts.

In a series of meetings held throughout 2008, the Partners engaged in a comprehensive, consensus-building process to identify those areas with the greatest potential to affect system-wide change. The Partnership identified the six Priority areas as those with the greatest potential to eradicate disparities, reduce harm, and remove waste from the American healthcare system.