Measuring Performance

Patient Outcomes Measures: Child Health and Mental Health (Phase III) 

Project Status: Completed

National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Patient Outcomes Measures: Child and Mental Health (Phase III)

Access the Final Report: National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Patient Outcomes 2009 

The Opportunity

To achieve quality healthcare across the full continuum, more measures were needed that specifically address various outcomes of care provided in our nation’s healthcare system. Development and endorsement of outcomes measures focus on areas with the greatest potential impact, including common conditions, gaps in measurement of patient-focused outcomes, and transitions across care settings.

About the Project

This project began in August 2009 and encompassed Phase III of NQF's 2009-2010 work on patient outcomes measures. It focused on child health and mental health outcomes as indicated below. The project began with the general Patient Outcome Measures Notice of Intent to Call for Measures, issued in August 2009. The first and second phases of this work were conducted in the project Patient Outcomes Measures: Phases I and II, which focused on measures in 21 condition-specific areas.

Phase III Focus Areas:  

  • Child Health: Cross-cutting and condition-specific outcomes
  • Mental Health: Depression; Alzheimer’s Disease; serious mental illness


Candidate measures were considered for NQF endorsement as voluntary consensus standards. Agreement around the recommendations were developed through NQF’s Consensus Development Process (CDP, Version 1.8). This project involved the active participation of representatives from across the spectrum of healthcare stakeholders. The work of Phase III was overseen by two Steering Committees, one focused on child health and the other on mental health.


This project was funded under NQF's contract with the Department of Health and Human Services, Consensus-based Entities Regarding Healthcare Performance Measurement.

Related NQF Work 

Contact Information 

For further information, contact NQF at 202-783-1300 or via email at

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