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Ambulatory Care Measures Using Clinically Enriched Administrative Data

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In this project, NQF reviewed submitted measures for ambulatory care with specifications based on administrative data and enriched by laboratory, pharmacy, or imaging claims data and/or other electronic clinical data. Such measures can provide additional tools for purchasers, health plans, consumers, clinicians, and other stakeholders working to create more feasible approaches to ongoing performance measurement and quality improvement. The Steering Committee recommended 72 of the 206 submitted measures for NQF endorsement. The following information was provided for people interested in commenting on the recommended measures, which were organized into the following topic areas.

Asthma and Respiratory Illness   Gynecology
Bone and Joint Conditions   Hepatitis and Liver Disease
Cancer Screening and Surveillance   HIV/AIDS
Cardiovascular Disease   Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis
Child Health   Medication Management
Chronic Kidney Disease   Mental Health
Diabetes   Migraine
Gastroesophageal: Reflux Disease (GERD)   Prenatal Care

Pursuant to NQF's Consensus Development Process (CDP), the draft report, National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Ambulatory Care Using Clinically Enriched Administrative Data  (PDF), is being provided along with the accompanying material for purposes of review and comment.

Measure Evaluations

Due to the large volume of information, measure evaluations were summarized in 27 spreadsheets:

AAA   Cancer   Geriatrics   Hypertension   Pneumonia
Arthritis   Child Health   GI Conditions   Med Management   Prenatal
Asthma   CKD   Heart Failure
Mental Health
Atherosclerosis   COPD   Hepatitis   Migraine  
Atrial Fibrillation   Diabetes   HIV/AIDS   Miscellaneous    
CAD   DVT/PE   Hyperlipidemia   Osteoporosis