NQF Endorses Gastrointestinal Measures 

AUG 16, 2013

CONTACT: Erin Weireter, NQF

NQF Endorses Gastrointestinal Measures

Washington, DC – the National Quality Forum (NQF) Board of Directors has endorsed two gastrointestinal quality measures, addressing colonoscopy screening rates and mortality rates for patients with diagnosed gastrointestinal hemorrhages.

“Gastrointestinal diseases can have a significant, adverse impact on an individual’s quality of life,” said Christine K. Cassel, MD, president and CEO of NQF. “These endorsed measures can play a key role in helping providers deliver high-quality care that patients deserve.”

Gastrointestinal disorders—such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and colorectal cancer—affect up to a quarter of the U.S. population.1 The financial burden of these and other related diseases has been estimated as high as $30 billion annually.2

“The healthcare costs associated with treating gastrointestinal disorders in the United States are great,” said Andrew Baskin, MD, National Medical Director for Quality and Provider Performance Measurement at Aetna, and co-chair of the Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Endorsement Steering Committee. “These measures – thoroughly evaluated by a diverse group of gastrointestinal disease experts and other stakeholders –will be instrumental in helping to improve quality and reduce healthcare costs.”

The measures include those that have been endorsed for at least three years and are now undergoing endorsement maintenance review. The ongoing evaluation and updating of endorsed measures ensures they are current, “best in class,” address gaps in existing measures, are synchronistic with national priorities, and enhance NQF’s gastrointestinal portfolio. In all, six measures were evaluated against NQF’s endorsement criteria. Two measures, including one new submission, were endorsed.

The NQF endorsement process allows for reconsideration of the endorsed quality measures listed below by submitting an appeal no later than September 16. To submit an appeal, please go to the NQF Measure Database.

Endorsed Measures

Find these measures in QPS, NQF’s premier search tool for endorsed measures.

NQF operates under a three-part mission to improve the quality of American healthcare by:

  • building consensus on national priorities and goals for performance improvement and working in partnership to achieve them;
  • endorsing national consensus standards for measuring and publicly reporting on performance; and
  • promoting the attainment of national goals through education and outreach programs.

1  Camilleri M, Dubois D, Coulie B, et al. Prevalence and socioeconomic impact of upper gastrointestinal disorders in the United States: results of the US Upper Gastrointestinal Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol,2005;3(6):543-552.

2  Ibid.