The National Quality Partners™ (NQP) Action Team to Co-Design Patient-Centered Health Systems brings together experts and recognized leaders from the private and public sector committed to engaging patients as active partners to improve quality and patient safety within health systems. Through a series of web meetings and one in-person forum, the NQP Action Team will develop and share priorities, goals, and promising practices to inspire action in others. Read more


The National Quality Partners™ (NQP) Action Team to Co-Design Patient-Centered Health Systems brings together experts and recognized leaders from the private and public sector committed to engaging patients as active partners to improve quality and patient safety within health systems. Through a series of web meetings and one in-person forum, the NQP Action Team will develop and share priorities, goals, and promising practices to inspire action in others. Read more

Explore NQF’s new virtual space and learn about current and planned measure development activities.

Access the Measure Pipeline

Explore NQF’s new virtual space and learn about current and planned measure development activities.

Access the Measure Pipeline
