Measuring Performance

Nursing Homes 

Project Status: Completed

National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Nursing Homes

Access the Final Report: National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Nursing Homes 

The Opportunity 

A core set of performance measures for chronic and post-acute care nursing facilities provides tools for regulators, purchasers, and consumers to evaluate the quality of care in these facilities, as well as metrics facilities can use to assess and improve the quality of care they provide. These measures evaluate the resident’s physical and clinical conditions and abilities, as well as preferences and life care wishes.

About the Project 

The Nursing Home project began in December 2009. NQF implemented this project as a follow-up to the National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Nursing Home Care project completed in April 2004.


This NQF project sought to identify and endorse (outcome, process, and/or structural) measures and patient experience of care surveys that specifically address nursing home for public reporting and quality improvement. This project also provided maintenance to the current NQF-endorsed® nursing home measures.


Candidate nursing home measures were considered for NQF endorsement as voluntary consensus standards. Agreement around the recommendations were developed through NQF’s formal Consensus Development Process (CDP). This project, like all NQF activities, involved the active participation of representatives from across the spectrum of healthcare stakeholders and was guided by a Steering Committee.


This project was supported under a contract with the Department of Health and Human Services.

Related NQF Work 

National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Nursing Home Care (April 2004) 

Contact Information 

For further information, contact NQF at 202-783-1300 or via e-mail at

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