eMeasure Implementation Webinar: Implications in Small Practice Settings 

March 15, 2012 | 12:30pm - 2:00pm ET
Join the National Quality Forum's eMeasure Learning Collaborative for a free webinar titled, "eMeasure Implementation: Implications in Small Practice Settings.1" NQF Staff and eMeasure experts from the provider and implementer community will lead an interactive 90-minute webinar and open discussion. This free webinar is open to the public and intended to provide information related to the eMeasure implementation within small practices (e.g. physicians, private practices, and clinics).

Learning Objectives
In this webinar you will learn:

  • The importance of electronic measurement within small practice settings
  • Best practices in implementing eMeasures within Ambulatory Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
  • eMeasure implementation results, challenges, and the work that lies ahead
  • More about the eMeasure Learning Collaborative and its value to small practice providers

Who Should Attend? 

  • Small practice providers planning to implement eMeasures in the near future or longer term
  • Electronic health record (EHR) and other health IT vendors working with eligible providers to implement eMeasures used to support meaningful use
  • Measure developers planning to develop measures in an electronic format
  • Any healthcare stakeholder who wants to better understand the impact of implementing eMeasures for performance measurement and quality improvement

Featured Speakers 

Contact and Login Information
After you register, the webinar URL and dial-in information will be e-mailed to you before the event. If you have questions, please contact Danielle Sims at dsims@qualityforum.org.



1Electronic measures (eMeasures) are standardized performance measures in an electronic format. eMeasures can promote greater consistency in measure development and in measuring and comparing performance results. They also can provide more exact requirements about where information should be collected, and drive greater standardization across the measures and greater confidence in comparing outcomes and provider performance.